I am not saying anything new or revolutionary here. Management / Ownership may try and f_ck with your comp plan, don’t worry, it’s always for your betterment. They may try and take deals that they’re excited about that are “above your level” too. It’s going to be very frustrating. Try and keep your cool.
Friends have moved from very good companies because of this. I have lost “startup” relationships because of this. You can move on, you can quit, but try and do whatever you’re going to do, or make whatever argument you’re going to make from a “locus of control.” The worst thing you can do with any bully is let them know they’ve got you on tilt.
They may still change the comp plan, you may still have to give up some parts of a deal. Fight for it though! I am not the best at this. I have been caught sending way too many texts, try and talk to people. If you can’t get the convo to surface, it’s risky, but you may need to loop in a reasonable 3rd party to get the conversation to happen, but it’s usually best to handle these issues cooly and 1:1.
I have friends and my brothers that are much better at me at this. This is not some Alpha bro telling you to punch people in the mouth. Just know in the game of sales, people are going to try and take your cookies. They may win, but make sure they at least think about it before coming through to take what’s yours again.
On the flip side of the coin, don’t be too sensitive, and sometimes there are bigger things and needs for the company or egos at play. Try and “read” the situation and react accordingly, don’t bottle it up too long and “pop” unproductively. Try and stay in control.